Friday, 13 February 2009

And I better be prominently featured in your next slideshow...

Just the tune i'm listening to at the moment, that title there. I didn't want to stick up a big "Oh, i'm back" type thing cos A) no bugger will notice i'd gone and B)I couldn't think of a sufficiently witty one to stick on, so the aural equivalent of stating the obvious must suffice.

Why am I back? Where have I been? Neither question is really all that important. I'm inspired by my girlfriend's newfound love of blogging (hers is spefically about makeup) and my friend Helen's daily photoblog which she started in the New Year. So much has changed in the few months since i last wrote here it would be supremely foolish to try and accurately recount all the events that have unfolded. I was made temporarily homeless, which fortunately coincided with the appearance of an endlessly tolerant and supportive girlfriend in my life, so that was a turn up for the books : all of a sudden i had a place to go, and soon, i'll be back in my rightful place in my flat and will no longer be under her feet.

It's odd reading the last post I slapped up documenting the tentative first steps in recording the new Fifty Caliber Smile EP, but now we have the finished article in our grasp and it sounds incredible. Though the music we make isn't to the taste of everyone, i'm fiercely proud of the work we've created and once again lucky to work with such excellent musicians.

College is nearing its end and with it, an uncertain future, but i've learned in the past couple of months about how to embrace changes and what's down the line with good humour and optimism so my fears are minimal.

Expect more updates as things happen to me on a day to day basis, i'll try not to be so ambitious in scope with my posts from now on...


Anonymous said...

You became freakin' homeless, Fras'?!?! But you're ok and stuff now though?? ... Oh hello there! How the heck have you been?! It's been a while! Glad you're back to the blogging and hope you're well =)

Anonymous said...

I just realised that the name 'emjay' gives nothing's Michelle btw =)